How To Operate The Tongs Safely?

Nov. 17, 2018

Pipe wrenches, also known as telescopic pipe wrenches, are one type of pipe wrenches. German Type Pipe Wrench are mainly used to clamp a pair of loose teeth before clamping. After the force starts, the pipe wrench will produce a composite vector. The force, that is, the bite force that bites down the tube and the rotational force exerted on the pipe wrench, the two forces are twisted together. Note that their angles are different, and the bite force and the rotational force can be positively correlated to maximize their effect. Since the specifications of the pipe wrench are not the same, the operation method is different, and the specific situation should be analyzed. The pipe wrench is the left and right hand of the operator. The damage caused by the improper use of the pipe wrench is not as serious as that of the hydraulic clamp. In recent years, the case of pipe clamp injury has attracted our attention. We should guarantee the quality of each piece of work, and pipe wrenches that do not meet safety requirements should be banned. The following Pipe Wrench Factory takes everyone to understand how to operate the pipe wrench to be safe.

1. The pipe clamp adjustment ring should be kept clean on the appearance quality of the pipe wrench, the pipe clamp teeth should be kept clean and there is no serious wear, and there is no crack in each part of the pipe wrench.

2. According to the size of the pipe, select the pipe wrench of the appropriate specification. When operating, the bow step should be stabilized. The center of gravity should be properly pressed. The direction and position of the two palms should be properly staggered. Grasp the grip firmly. Do not apply excessive force to avoid the slippery pipe wrench. Come and fall.

3. When using the pipe wrench, the pipe clamp should be supported by one hand, and the other hand should be pressed against the pipe wrench. After several adjustments, confirm that the pipe wrench bites the pipe and then shackle it. Do not use the afterburner or multiple people to pull the pipe wrench at the same time, so as not to cause the pipe wrench to break and hurt, and to injure the operator.

German Type Pipe Wrench

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