The Grip Of The Fireman's Axe Will Affect The Life Of The Product

Sep. 10, 2018

The Fireman Axe Factory tells everyone the correct fire axe grip method. Improper grip will affect the life of the fire axe, not to scare everyone here. Today, our Fireman Axe manufacturer came to talk to you about the grip of the fire axe and improve its service life.

Positive grip

The palm of the hand is straightened downwards, and the handle is held with the middle finger and the ring finger. The little finger is naturally gripped, and the index finger and the thumb are naturally straightened, and the handle head extends about 3 cm. It is often used for rescues such as frontal slashing and large-scale powerful demolition.

2. Back grip

This grip is palm-up, the finger naturally holds the handle, and the palm is suspended. This method is more suitable for side slashing, where space is small and cannot be stretched.

3. Vertical grip

When the palm is held, the palm is facing the chest, and the thumb and other fingers naturally hold the handle. This technique is often used when breaking wires, security nets, etc.

Knowing and understanding these three grips can greatly improve the service life of the fire axe and effectively improve the speed of fire rescue. Here, our fire axe manufacturers also remind everyone to take care of the fire axe and use the fire axe correctly. Do not use the fire axe as a weapon.

Fireman's Axe

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